Things To Do In Bukovel, Ukraine 

Ukraine’s official tourism tagline is “It’s all about you” – true that! The people here keep the visitors’ needs and expectations their topmost priority so that they get the best experience when visiting here. 

In this article, I will be discussing Bukovel, Ukraine, which is a great place to visit in this place and guarantees you the best experience in the region. Keep reading till the end to find out more information on the top things to do in Bukovel, Ukraine!

Top Things To Do In Bukovel, Ukraine

Here is a list of the top things that you can do in Bukovel, Ukraine:

Go Hiking In The Carpathian Mountains

The Carpathian Mountains range across a span of 1,500km, in the regions of Eastern and Central Europe. This forms the third longest mountain range in Europe and also runs through many countries. This place offers very unique hiking experiences, and opportunities to see wildlife. 

There are a lot of options for trails and hikes that you can take in this place – like the Gerlachovsky Stit Summit, Transylvania Mountain Trail, The Retezat National Park, Mount Hoverla Summit, etc. 

Visit The Hutsul Land Ethnopark

Visit The Hutsul Land Ethnopark

This ethnopark tells the intriguing story of the household and life of the highlanders – the Ukrainian Carpathians. They are, namely, Lemky, Hutsuly, and Boiky. This unique and new environment combines the different entertainment and recreation at the resort of Bukovel. 

Here you will be able to enter a two-hundred-year-old house, sit, and enjoy the fire that burns in a stove. You are also going to get to watch how cheese are manufacturing here. There are a lot of things that you are going to get to learn here. 

Enjoy The Upside Down House

The Upside Down House was built in the village of Polanitsya in the Carpathians. It is situated right at the entrance to a popular Ski Resort at Bukovel. 

This intriguing structure is the perfect place for photography. It has a total of two floors and is built in an area of 85 sq. meters. On the first floor, you can use utility and a restroom. The next has a single big and spacious room with large windows.

The house is inverted from the inside as well (all the furniture is stuck to the ceiling of the house. It is a must-visit!

Visit The Waterfall Probiy

Probiy is a waterfall that set on the river Prut which is in Yaremche city, Ukraine. It is 8 meters in height and it is one of the most powerful waterfalls in the whole Carpathians. 

When you take a tour of the city of Yaremche, you are going to have to come to this for a visit. 

Go To The Entertainment Center Buka

entertainment center

This entertainment center arranges a wide range of activities throughout the year which are very fun to engage in. You are going to be able to attend various brilliant star parties on the holidays and weekends. There are going to be drinks, DJs and a lot of potential friends at these parties.

Best Accommodations To Stay At

Here is a list of the top accommodations where you can book your stay when visiting Bukovel, Ukraine:

Hotel Milli & Jon

It is in the Участок Стаїші 151а, Polyanytsya, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine, 78593. This hotel has a rating of 4.5 stars on Google and rated by 583 people.

Carparosa Hotel 

Carparosa Hotel

It is located in Урочище Чуров, 320 Поляница, Bukovel, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine, 77221. Therefore this hotel has a rating of 4.7 stars on Google and has been rated by 749 people.

F&B Spa Resort

It is set in at 13 Буковель, Polyanytsya, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine, 78593. This hotel has a rating of 4.4 stars on Google and 2,153 people share their rating.


It is set in Урочище Вишні, Bukovel, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine, 78593. Hence this hotel has a rating of 4.6 stars on Google and 558 people share their experience.

Marion Spa

marion spa

It is located in Polyanytsya, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine, 78593. This hotel has a rating of 4.6 stars on Google and also 223 people give the rating and ensure the service quality.

Documents Needed Before Traveling To Ukraine!

To enter the territory of Ukraine, you need to have an appropriate package consisting of documents – a confirmation of the purpose of the trip, a foreign passport, a visa, and financial support. 

Applicable Visa requirements are depending upon the citizenship of the visiting person. Hence there’s a visa-free regime which establish in some of  Ukraine’s countries – the rest of the countries still need to obtain a visa for entry before traveling. 

You can check the visa requirements for entering the region of Ukraine on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ukraine). 

Ways Of Getting to Ukraine

Ukraine’s airspace is close and you can reach there by land transport. Whether it be by train, car, or bus. These conditions make it a bit problematic to travel to Ukraine. 

The most popular option for getting to Ukraine is to fly by plane to one of Europe’s airports – which is not too far from the border of Ukraine. From here on, you can continue your journey to your next travel destination in Ukraine by bus or train. 

To Wrap It Up!

things to do in bukovel Ukraine

If you are thinking about visiting this place, then by all means go ahead with it. That was all for information regarding the top things to do in Bukovel, Ukraine. Thank you for reading up till here. I hope you found the information useful.

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